Increase your success with us, because we are the advertising materials specialists! Whether promotional items, teamware, company clothing, presents or giveaways. Would you like to attract new customers? Or improve the relationship with your existing customers? Then you also need innovative advertising media, creative advertising media and give-aways. Catch your target group with a great message? Or improve the relationship with your existing customers? Our recommendation: Noble promotional items and give-aways from our shop. Unfortunately, many companies work without a real plan. The printed advertising sector offers great potential. Fulfill the wishes of your target group with a free giveaway and you have won, because: This solves a problem of other people. This makes certain things in everyday life and work much easier.
For this reason, promotional articles and advertising media have to convince by a very high quality. This is how your customers perceive you as a real partner. A partner they trust and whom they are happy to recommend to other companies. This way you can beat two flies with one stone. You improve the relationship with your customers. And you benefit from recommendations. This reduces the cost of customer acquisition. This gives you more time for your core business. Sounds like a dream, doesn't it? A dream that can come true soon. Spread your vision at trade fairs and events. Strengthen your branding with chic give-aways. We will be happy to help you.
Would you like to advertise? How about fancy promotional items? Whether pen, button, ball or mouse pad: With us you will find it. A wide set of advertising materials awaits you. The quality is high and the service is good. Do you have any special requests? Good job! Because often it depends on the details. We make ourselves strong for you.
Good give-aways attract attention. That's the only way to stand out. Have the courage to come up with creative ideas. In our shop you will find great examples. But don't forget, much is possible. Rely on a colorful mix of advertising media. A beautiful pen with your logo? The lighter with your slogan? A bag in your colors? Whatever it is. We are happy to advise you.
What are the advantages of promotional items, promotional materials and giveaways?
- giveaways are not expensive.
- Have a real benefit.
- Often used.
- Are small and handy.
- Solve problems.
- Available in a wide range.
- Have a high recall rate.
- Promote confidence.
- Are printable.
- Lying well in the hand.
Why do promotional items work?
Many people, on the other hand, don't think anything of give-aways. The reason: Because they are free. That's why they often have a "cheap image." However, the fact that advertising material works very well is proven. From an early on, we are brought up with the help of rewards. Through promotional gifts, promotional materials and promotional items, others value us. They show us that they like us. They thank us. They want to make us happy. Especially when we've done something good. As a result: dopamine. Feelings of happiness. We feel good. We feel valued. We are taken care of. This will not change later.
Use this process for yourself. Give your customers a gift and reap gratitude. For example, by purchasing your product. Improve the lives of your clients and customers with a cool giveaway. This promotes trust in your company.
DAS giveaway - why us?
Why? People want solutions to big and small problems in your everyday life. If such a solution is free, you are all the more pleased. Our offer is aimed at companies from industry, crafts, trade and services. Reward your customers and partners. Give you something. Make you happy. You will be grateful for that. For example, by buying something from you. Because cool give-aways work. They are worth gold when it comes to building trust.
For customers, we search for answers every day. These are sometimes easy and sometimes difficult to find. The result is important. We work hand in hand with you. Choose from over 200,000 product variants. Our team is there for you. Call us or write to us. Use our know-how. Let's make plans. The goal: An individual give-away as your very personal advertising ambassador.
Advertising materials - when will they be used?
Yes, the potential of advertising media is very high. Convince at trade fairs. Make your stand a point of interest. With cool give-aways you secure the favor of clients and customers. However, there are more options. Reward your customers with an innovative promotional item when making purchases. Deliver a bonus. Reward regular customers with a gift. Or smooth the waves in case of a complaint.
All gates are open to you. Be creative! Make people happy. You can't think of anything? In our shop you will find great examples. Try it. Order your advertising media now. We look forward to seeing you!
Wondering what suits your company? Get inspiration in our shop! Whether food & drink, business, season or electric. There is something for every occasion. Say "yes" to advertising. Because the diversity is great. And success is no coincidence. It stands and falls with the service you offer your customers. Therefore, it is important to deliver extras to customers. Extras you get for free.
This shows real appreciation. A bonus here. A gift there. And your customers are happy. Almost all companies speak of "good service". But do they stick to it? Let your words be followed by deeds.
Advertising media ideas - the best tips for great promotional items!
Would you like to inspire your customers with their promotional materials? Give the thing Pep and bet on originality! Thus, an ecooles giveaway often provides a wow effect. Consider a creative reason why the giveaway fits the recipient.
Keep an eye on the wishes of your customers. Find out what moves them. Then deliver a promotional item that benefits the recipient in everyday life. We ensure a high quality.
Rely on a wide range of advertising materials. Because then you are well prepared for all circumstances. Observe seasonal occasions. The need for giveaways is usually the greatest here. Make sure that all advertising materials are uniform. This is how you increase the USP and the reach of your brand.
With special formats and a good feel, you will strengthen the impression of your give-away. Aspects of color psychology are also in demand. Red stands for love. Green stands for hope. Blue stands for calm. Whatever you want to do, the main thing is that you stand out. Because that's how you stand out from other companies. If you have any questions about the implementation of your personal promotional article, we will be happy to advise you. Give us a call!
Your customers come to you for a good reason. The value of an offer separates the chaff from the wheat. And the willingness to help, whether a customer buys or not, is crucial. For this reason, promotional items are more in demand than ever. On the other hand, they are also a good investment for companies of all kinds. Enchant your customers now. How about a noble ballpoint pen as your haptic advertising medium? Or a power bank with your logo? Have the courage to come up with new ideas. This will create a basis for trust. We are happy to help you with the implementation. Order chic advertising materials from our shop. We will also be happy to call you when processing your request. The team of DAS giveaway is looking forward to your order!